Tag Archivio per: Campania

SMS Engi­nee­ring at CeBIT 2017Research & Inno­va­tion” Hall 6 STAND E48


HAN­NO­VER, 20 – 24 March 2017 — STAND ICE : Hall 6, Stand E48

After the suc­cess of pre­vious edi­tions, the Ita­lian Insti­tu­te for Forei­gn Tra­de (ICE) also for 2017 has orga­ni­zed the col­lec­ti­ve par­ti­ci­pa­tion at the CeBIT Fair in Han­no­ver from 20 to 24 March. The par­ti­ci­pa­tion to this glo­bal event for digi­tal busi­ness has as its objec­ti­ve the pro­mo­tion of inno­va­ti­ve poten­tial expres­sed by the system of enter­pri­ses and research of Con­ver­gen­ce Regions (Cam­pa­nia, Cala­bria, Puglia and Sici­ly), in order to turn it into pro­duc­ts and ser­vi­ces to be pla­ced on forei­gn mar­ke­ts. Hall 6 Research & Inno­va­tion” is the ideal inter­fa­ce bet­ween research and cut­ting-edge solu­tions for the ICT sec­tor worldwide.
SMS Engi­nee­ring will pre­sent to inter­na­tio­nal ope­ra­tors par­ti­ci­pa­ting in the event the Soft­ware Solu­tion myWMS JIS (the Ware­hou­se Mana­ge­ment System solu­tion with Just-in-Sequen­ce func­tion that mana­ges, in an effi­cient and inte­gra­ted way, the flow of goods insi­de a com­pa­ny, with the help of por­ta­ble devi­ces, bar­co­des and RF and RFID systems for auto­mo­ti­ve and trans­port sec­tors, cur­ren­tly instal­led at Fiat in Mel­fi and Mase­ra­ti in Gru­glia­sco) and the Soft­ware Solu­tion AQUIS Aero­nau­tic QUa­li­ty Impro­ve­ment System (soft­ware solu­tion for the mana­ge­ment of Pro­cess and Pro­duct Non Con­for­mi­ties for the Aero­nau­ti­cal, Aero­spa­ce and Auto­mo­ti­ve, which recei­ved the Seal of Excel­len­ce as part of the Euro­pean Pro­gram Hori­zon 2020).

STAND ICE : Hall 6, Stand E48



CATA­NIA, 2 – 3 mar­zo 2017 Le Ciminiere

Dopo il suc­ces­so del­le edi­zio­ni pre­ce­den­ti, l’I­CE pre­sen­ta la ter­za Bor­sa dell’Innovazione e dell’Alta Tec­no­lo­gia che si ter­rà a Cata­nia dal 2 al 3 mar­zo 2017. La mani­fe­sta­zio­ne inter­na­zio­na­le, di carat­te­re iti­ne­ran­te, ha come obiet­ti­vo la valo­riz­za­zio­ne del poten­zia­le inno­va­ti­vo espres­so dal siste­ma del­le impre­se e del­la ricer­ca del­le Regio­ni Con­ver­gen­za (Cam­pa­nia, Cala­bria, Puglia e Sici­lia), al fine di tra­sfor­mar­lo in pro­dot­ti e ser­vi­zi da col­lo­ca­re sui mer­ca­ti este­ri. I set­to­ri di inte­res­se per la mani­fe­sta­zio­ne sono : AERO­SPA­ZIO, AMBIEN­TE, BIO­TEC­NO­LO­GIE, ENER­GIE RIN­NO­VA­BI­LI, ICT, NANO­TEC­NO­LO­GIE, MATE­RIA­LI INNO­VA­TI­VI, MEC­CA­TRO­NI­CA, TEC­NO­LO­GIE PER LE SMART COMMUNITIES.

La SMS Engi­nee­ring pre­sen­te­rà agli ope­ra­to­ri nazio­na­li ed inter­na­zio­na­li che par­te­ci­pe­ran­no alla mani­fe­sta­zio­ne la Solu­zio­ne Soft­ware myWMS JIS (la Solu­zio­ne di Ware­hou­se Mana­ge­ment System con fun­zio­ne Just in Sequen­ce che gesti­sce in modo effi­cien­te e inte­gra­to il flus­so del­le mer­ci in azien­da con l’ausilio dei dispo­si­ti­vi por­ta­ti­li, dei codi­ci a bar­re e dei siste­mi RFRFID, per il set­to­re Auto­mo­ti­ve e Tra­spor­ti, attual­men­te instal­la­to in Fiat a Mel­fi e in Mase­ra­ti a Gru­glia­sco) e la Solu­zio­ne Soft­ware AQUIS Aero­nau­tic QUa­li­ty Impro­ve­ment System (solu­zio­ne soft­ware per la gestio­ne del­le Non Con­for­mi­tà di pro­ces­so e di pro­dot­to per il set­to­re Aero­nau­ti­co, Aero­spa­zia­le ed Auto­mo­ti­ve che ha rice­vu­to il Seal of Excel­len­ce nell’ambito del pro­gram­ma Euro­peo Hori­zon 2020).

BIAT 2017
