SMS Engi­nee­ring IXI Award of Con­fin­du­stria, on May 23 the Award Cere­mo­ny in Rome


On May 23, 2017 in Rome Con­fin­du­stria deli­ve­red the Award Enter­pri­se for Inno­va­tion — Andrea Pinin­fa­ri­na” to 21 com­pa­nies that have suc­ces­sful­ly inve­sted in research and inno­va­tion. The award, rea­li­zed in col­la­bo­ra­tion with the Foun­da­tion Giu­sep­pi­na Mai, Inte­sa San­pao­lo and with the tech­ni­cal sup­port of the Ita­lian Asso­cia­tion of Qua­li­ty Award (APQI), stands out for being on inno­va­tion, and is the fir­st in Euro­pe to adopt the para­me­ters of the Euro­pean Foun­da­tion For Qua­li­ty Mana­ge­ment (EFQM). Among the win­ning com­pa­nies, two com­pa­nies belon­ging to the Indu­strial Union of Naples : SMS Engi­nee­ring and Tele­com Ita­lia SpA, both of which on Sep­tem­ber 20, 2016 had also recei­ved the Natio­nal Award for Inno­va­tion, THE PRI­ZE OF PRI­ZES, at Qui­ri­na­le by the Pre­si­dent of the Ita­lian Repu­blic Ser­gio Mat­ta­rel­la. The win­ning com­pa­nies in 2016 were : Arca­dia Con­sul­ting Srl ; BTO Spa ; Cal­zo­ni Srl ; Comer Indu­stries Spa ; Busi­ness con­sul­ting for infor­ma­tics SCAI Spa ; Deda­group ; Epta Spa ; Far­ma­la­bor Srl ; Fluid-o-Tech Srl ; Inaz Srl ; Leo­nar­do Srl ; Mar­le­gno Srl ; Micro­tec Srl ; Pri­sma Tele­com Testing ; Qui ! Group Spa ; Ray­tec Vision Spa ; Robo­ze by Meka­tro­ni­ka Srl ; Sidam Srl ; SMS Engi­nee­ring Srl ; STMi­croe­lec­tro­nics Srl ; Tele­com Ita­lia SpA. The Enter­pri­se for Inno­va­tion Award — Andrea Pinin­fa­ri­na” by Con­fin­du­stria par­ti­ci­pa­tes, for the Indu­stry and Ser­vi­ces cate­go­ry, at the Pri­ze of Pri­zes, which was esta­bli­shed by the Pre­si­den­cy of the Coun­cil of Mini­sters under the man­da­te of the Pre­si­dent of the Ita­lian Repu­blic. Of the 21 com­pa­nies awar­ded by Con­fin­du­stria, 9 had also recei­ved the Pri­ze of Pri­zes : Arca­dia Con­sul­ting Srl ; BTO Spa ; Comer Indu­stries Spa ; Deda­group ; Fluid-o-Tech Srl ; Mar­le­gno Srl ; SMS Engi­nee­ring Srl ; STMi­croe­lec­tro­nics Srl ; Tele­com Ita­lia Spa.


In the pic­tu­re abo­ve the CEO of SMS Engi­nee­ring Fran­ce­sco Casta­gna, the Pre­si­dent of SMS Engi­nee­ring Anto­nio Ascio­ne, the Pre­si­dent of Con­fin­du­stria Vin­cen­zo Boc­cia, the Vice Pre­si­dent of SMS Engi­nee­ring Mas­si­mi­lia­no Cane­stro and the Mana­ging Direc­tor of SMS Engi­nee­ring Rosan­ge­la Capas­so during the Award Cere­mo­ny of the Pri­ze of Prizes.
