SMS Engi­nee­ring at Paris AIR SHOW, 19 – 25 June 2017 HALL 2B Stand G91 (Cam­pa­nia Region)


The Inter­na­tio­nal Paris Air Show is an inter­na­tio­nal avia­tion and aero­spa­ce exhi­bi­tion, which is orga­ni­zed eve­ry two years by the SIAE, a sub­si­dia­ry of GIFAS, the French Aero­spa­ce Indu­stries Asso­cia­tion. It is one of the olde­st and lar­ge­st air sho­ws in the world. Here the newe­st tech­no­lo­gies of the aero­spa­ce indu­stry and rela­ted equi­p­ment, such as air­craft engi­nes, satel­li­te navi­ga­tion tech­no­lo­gy, air­craft cabins and sea­ts and wea­pons systems will be pre­sen­ted. Over the years this show has beco­me one of the most impor­tant inter­na­tio­nal plat­forms in the indu­stry. The fir­st four days of the Show are reser­ved exclu­si­ve­ly for tra­de visi­tors, fol­lo­wed by three days at the wee­kend ope­ned to the gene­ral public. More than 150 air­craf­ts will be pre­sen­ted. Many of them will be invol­ved in ama­zing fly­ing displays held each after­noon, giving exhi­bi­tors the oppor­tu­ni­ty to sho­w­ca­se their tech­ni­cal exper­ti­se and allo­wing visi­tors to disco­ver the late­st inno­va­tions. The exhi­bi­tion will be accom­pa­nied by a B2B mee­ting pro­gram, during which the exchan­ge of kno­w­led­ge and expe­rien­ces in com­bi­na­tion with the search for solu­tions in the aero­spa­ce sec­tor is in the fore­ground. The 52nd Inter­na­tio­nal Paris Air Show will takes pla­ce on 7 days from Mon 19 to Sun 25 June 2017 at the Exhi­bi­tion Cen­ter of Le Bour­get. SMS Engi­nee­ring will pre­sent to inter­na­tio­nal ope­ra­tors par­ti­ci­pa­ting in the event the Soft­ware Solu­tion AQUIS Aero­nau­tic QUa­li­ty Impro­ve­ment System  (soft­ware solu­tion for the mana­ge­ment of Pro­cess and Pro­duct Non Con­for­mi­ties for the Aero­nau­ti­cal, Aero­spa­ce and Auto­mo­ti­ve, which recei­ved the Seal of Excel­len­ce as part of the Euro­pean Pro­gram Hori­zon 2020) and AUG­MEN­TIO an use­ful tool­kit of 3 pro­duc­ts to make digi­tal the MRO acti­vi­ties ( Main­te­nan­ce Repair Ove­rhaul) more info for Ita­lian Aero­spa­ce Tech­no­lo­gies Indu­stry are avai­la­ble on AERO​SPA​CE​HUB​.IT : https://​www​.aero​spa​ce​hub​.it/

