Oppor­tu­ni­ties in Flan­ders’ Inno­va­ti­ve Tech Ecosystem


Spa­ce, Secu­ri­ty, Earth Obser­va­tion and Down­stream Appli­ca­tions : Oppor­tu­ni­ties in Flan­ders’ Inno­va­ti­ve Tech Ecosystem

L’Ambasciata del Bel­gio ed i Rap­pre­sen­ta­ti del­lo Svi­lup­po Eco­no­mi­co del­le Fian­dre in Roma han­no orga­niz­za­to a Roma, il 13 dicem­bre 2019, pres­so la resi­den­za di H. E. Ambas­sa­dor Frank Car­ruet, Amba­scia­to­re del Bel­gio in Ita­lia, una pre­sen­ta­zio­ne del­le mag­gio­ri oppor­tu­ni­tà di busi­ness nel­le Fian­dre nel set­to­re tec­no­lo­gi­co con focus su :

Aero­spa­ce and Cyber­se­cu­ri­ty — Earth Obser­va­tion and Remo­te Sen­sing ‑Down­stream Opportunities
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Si sono alter­na­te negli interventi :
H.E. Dr. Frank Car­ruet, Ambas­sa­dor of Bel­gium to Ita­ly — Per­ma­nent Repre­sen­ta­ti­ve to the FAO and the Spe­cia­li­zed Insti­tu­tions of the UN
Dr. Kris Van­de­rhau­waert, IBN Coor­di­na­tor VRI | Spa­ce 4.0. IBN-Coor­di­na­tor SME4Space EU-Liai­son Offi­cer, Fle­mish Aero­spa­ce Cluster
Dr. Ste­ven Kre­kels, Unit Mana­ger VITO Remo­te Sen­sing, Fle­mish Insti­tu­te for Tech­no­lo­gi­cal Research
Dr. Sam Waes, Pro­gram Direc­tor ESA Spa­ce Solu­tions, Verhaert New Pro­duc­ts & Ser­vi­ces, ESA Tech­no­lo­gy Trans­fer Network
Dr. Anto­nio Zil­li, Research Mana­ger and ECCP Respon­si­ble Per­son, Apu­lian Aero­spa­ce District
Dr. Giu­sep­pe Pala­di­no, Direc­tor Busi­ness Deve­lo­p­ment and Part­ner­ship, Euro­pean Insti­tu­tions Rhea Group, Cen­tre of Excellence
Dr. Oli­vier Van Orsho­ven, Depu­ty Direc­tor Inward Invest­ment Euro­pe & Israel, Govern­ment of Flan­ders — Flan­ders Invest­ment & Trade
Dr. Mark Anto­nis­sen, Advi­sor – NCP NMBP & SPA­CE, NCP-Flan­ders Hori­zon 2020
Govern­ment of Flan­ders — Flan­ders Inno­va­tion & Entrepreneurship
Mode­ra­tri­ce : Dr. Sophie Mas­sa­gé – Head of Post, Embas­sy of Bel­gium — Eco­no­mic & Com­mer­cial Repre­sen­ta­tion of Flan­ders, Brus­sels Capi­tal-Region and Val­lo­nia in Rome
Tra gli ospi­ti dell’evento Vin­cen­zo Spa­gno­let­ti Sales Area Mana­ger Sch­nei­der Elec­tric e Mas­si­mi­lia­no Cane­stro Vice Pre­si­den­te del­la SMS Engineering
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Anche il Bel­gio con la #smsen­gi­nee­ring fa Tom­bo­la con la con­se­gna del­la Tom­bo­la e del Pana­riel­lo di #raf­fae­la­rus­so da par­te di Mas­si­mi­lia­no Cane­stro a H. E. Ambas­sa­dor Frank Car­ruet, Amba­scia­to­re del Bel­gio in Ita­lia (foto di destra). Nel­la foto cen­tra­le a sini­stra Vin­cen­zo Spa­gno­let­ti al cen­tro tra un ospi­te e l’Ambasciatore

GUAR­DA IL VIDEO : Frank De Win­ne, Head of ESA Euro­pean Astro­naut Cen­tre, on the return of invest­ment in spa­ce and its many down­stream applications

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