myCYB Cyber Secu­ri­ty Solu­tions and Con­sul­tan­cy Services

SMS Engi­nee­ring Net­wor­king and Secu­ri­ty Con­sul­tan­ts pro­mo­te work­for­ce-ena­bling tech­no­lo­gies whi­le pro­tec­ting com­pa­ny data, resources,and staff

myCYB Cyber Secu­ri­ty Solu­tions and Con­sul­tan­cy Services

SMS Engi­nee­ring Cyber Secu­ri­ty Advi­sors have been for­med to pro­vi­de ICT Ser­vi­ces for indu­stry wor­king in high threat” areas inclu­ding defen­ce, natio­nal secu­ri­ty and the pro­tec­tion of cri­ti­cal infra­struc­tu­res. The Staff pro­vi­des a chan­nel for Defen­ce, Indu­stry, Uni­ver­si­ty and the wide sta­ke­hol­der com­mu­ni­ty to discuss poli­cy, stra­te­gy and imple­men­ta­tion issue in event and con­fe­ren­ce. Cyber­se­cu­ri­ty Isn’t only About the Network !

More than a con­nec­ti­vi­ty mana­ge­ment system, Cable­Sol­ve is a com­ple­te IT Infra­struc­tu­re mana­ge­ment solu­tion for your offi­ce and data cen­ter, with the abi­li­ty to mana­ge the enti­re phy­si­cal layer, inclu­ding all asse­ts, con­nec­ti­vi­ty and live data from SNMP and WMI devi­ces. It inclu­des data and power con­nec­ti­vi­ty docu­men­ta­tion, real-time and histo­ri­cal records of cri­ti­cal data cen­ter infor­ma­tion like power, ener­gy and tem­pe­ra­tu­re as well as custo­mi­za­ble infor­ma­tion of your assets.
a customer’s Wide-Area Net­work (WAN) is the foun­da­tion of their glo­bal­ly con­nec­ted enter­pri­se, ena­bling col­la­bo­ra­tion, com­mu­ni­ca­tion, busi­ness pro­duc­ti­vi­ty, and risk miti­ga­tion. The per­for­man­ce of their WAN is cri­ti­cal to eve­ry­thing custo­mers do. With River­bed WAN Opti­mi­za­tion solu­tions, their busi­ness runs faster and more effi­cien­tly, deli­ve­ring con­si­stent ser­vi­ce levels and cut­ting the costs of their IT infrastructure
Palo Alto Net­works’ Approach to Appli­ca­tion Visi­bi­li­ty and Appli­ca­tion Control
By fixing the firewall,” Palo Alto Net­works’ enter­pri­se firewalls sol­ve a varie­ty of custo­mer pro­blems – whi­le often sim­pli­fy­ing enter­pri­se secu­ri­ty infra­struc­tu­res. With the abi­li­ty to con­trol appli­ca­tions, users, and con­tent at the enter­pri­se firewall, custo­mers rea­li­ze impro­ve­men­ts in secu­ri­ty, per­for­man­ce, and cost.