Mili­ta­ry Metro­lo­gy for the Sea 2021

Il Mili­ta­ry Metro­lo­gy for the Sea è un even­to paral­le­lo alla IME­KO TC-19 Inter­na­tio­nal Work­shop on Metro­lo­gy for the Sea. L’evento è sta­to orga­niz­za­to dal­la Mari­na Mili­ta­re Ita­liana e dall’ AFCEA Naples Chap­ter sì è tenu­to il 4 otto­bre 2021 in moda­li­tà webi­nar. Dopo gli indi­riz­zi di salu­te del B.Gen. (r ) Dario Nico­lel­la, Pre­si­dent of AFCEA Chap­ter of Naples si sono alter­na­ti i seguen­ti interventi :

Lt. Danie­le Sebi­no Ter­rac­cia­no, Lt. Loren­zo Baz­za­rel­lo, Naval Sup­port and Trial Cen­ter – La Spezia

BOO­MER pro­ject for Naval mul­ti-influen­ce signa­tu­re mea­su­re­men­ts : the key role of Unman­ned Vehi­cles to redu­ce Mine risk

B.Gen. ® Gio­van­ni Savol­del­li Pedrocchi

Air Urban Mobi­li­ty to sup­port Mari­ti­me envi­ron­ment, the Sky­ga­te Project

Eduar­do De Fran­ce­sco – Setel Group

Use of an advan­ced amphi­bious rover as a mul­ti­pur­po­se geo­re­fe­ren­ced sensor’s carrier

Prof. Alan Oli­vei­ra, Uni­ver­si­ty of Lisbon

The Con­ver­gen­ce of Cyber, Elec­tro­nic and Kine­tic War­fa­re throu­gh Naval Sen­sors and Systems

Clo­sing remarks

B.Gen.® Dario Nico­lel­la, Prof. Eng. Pasqua­le Daponte


MORE INFO : Mas­si­mi­lia­no Cane­stro, AFCEA Naples Chap­ter Secre­ta­ry segreteria@​afceanaples.​it