Lon­dra : Sha­pe the futu­re” (Costrui­sci il futu­ro) — mer­co­le­dì 16 dicem­bre 2009

Lon­dra : Sha­pe the futu­re” (Costrui­sci il futuro) 

Lon­don : Sha­pe the futu­re — Step up to the Chal­len­ge : let your feet do the walking”

HR / recruitment/​health and safe­ty / engi­neers / scien­tists / tech­no­lo­gists / archi­tec­ts / plan­ners / gen­der equa­li­ty pro­fes­sio­nals. They have some­thing in com­mon : they are all women !

The event took pla­ce in Lon­don on Decem­ber, 15 thanks to Wes (Woman Engi­nee­ring Socie­ty). The aim of the mee­ting was to ispi­re and be ispi­red” by women achie­ving in diver­se pro­fes­sions. Rosan­ge­la Capas­so, Sms Engi­nee­ring Ltd Mana­ger Direc­tor took part in it as an exam­ple of suc­ces­sful and Award Win­ning Ita­lian woman.
