Invest­ment Oppor­tu­ni­ties in Rus­sia, Far­ne­si­na 3 July 2017


On Mon­day, July 3 at 10.00 am, at Far­ne­si­na, the Mini­stry of Forei­gn Affairs, the­re was a pre­sen­ta­tion on invest­ment oppor­tu­ni­ties in Rus­sia, with ope­ning remarks by Under-Secre­ta­ry of Sta­te for Eco­no­mic Deve­lo­p­ment, Ivan Scal­fa­rot­to, and by Depu­ty Pri­me Mini­ster of the Rus­sian Fede­ra­tion, Arka­dy Dvor­ko­vic, lea­ding a strong Rus­sian insti­tu­tio­nal and entre­pre­neu­rial dele­ga­tion. Mini­ster of Forei­gn Affairs and Inter­na­tio­nal Coo­pe­ra­tion, Ange­li­no Alfa­no, and Rus­sian Depu­ty Pri­me Mini­ster, Arka­dy Dvor­ko­vic, inter­ve­ned in the clo­sing ses­sion. The coun­try pre­sen­ta­tion was mode­ra­ted by the Gene­ral Direc­tor for the Pro­mo­tion of the Coun­try System of Far­ne­si­na, Vin­cen­zo De Luca, and was atten­ded by nume­rous repre­sen­ta­ti­ves of Ita­lian and Rus­sian insti­tu­tions and business.



Pre­sent at the event, SMS Engi­nee­ring which deve­lo­ped the Rus­sian Loca­li­za­tion Law | SMS Inte­gra­tion Bus. On Sep­tem­ber 1, 2015 the new Rus­sian law came into for­ce requi­ring com­pa­nies of any natio­na­li­ty to rescue per­so­nal data of Rus­sian citi­zens (PDR) on ser­vers phy­si­cal­ly loca­ted within the ter­ri­to­ry of the Rus­sian Fede­ra­tion under the fede­ral autho­ri­ty of tele­com­mu­ni­ca­tions com­pa­ny Roskom­na­d­zor. Law No. 242-FZ, cal­led Loca­li­za­tion Law” (exten­sion of Fede­ral Act No 152-FZ of July 27, 2006 On Per­so­nal Data”) applies to all com­pa­nies regi­ste­ring, col­lec­ting, orga­ni­zing, sto­ring or modi­fy­ing Sen­si­ti­ve data of Rus­sian citi­zens with a spe­ci­fic excep­tion for air­li­nes. Sites that do not adju­st will be sub­jec­ted to a fine or pla­ced in a blac­kli­st. The law, howe­ver, allo­ws you to save Per­so­nal Data of Rus­sian citi­zens in mana­ge­ment systems not loca­ted in Rus­sian ter­ri­to­ry but only pro­vi­ding that the­se data were fir­st saved in a data­cen­ter on the Ter­ri­to­ry of the Rus­sian Fede­ra­tion… and that this time­li­ne is demon­stra­ble and evi­dent ! SMS Engi­nee­ring has deve­lo­ped a solu­tion that makes all IT systems to be able to con­ti­nue to treat sen­si­ti­ve data of Rus­sian citi­zens without having to migra­te (or dupli­ca­te) mana­ge­ment systems to Rus­sian ter­ri­to­ry. The solu­tion invol­ves the adop­tion of SMS Inte­gra­tion Bus, an ESB (Enter­pri­se Ser­vi­ce Bus) resi­dent on Rus­sian ter­ri­to­ry. Its API (adhe­ring to Rus­sian law) must be invo­ked (via SAOP / Web­Ser­vi­ces stan­dard tech­no­lo­gy) by appli­ca­tions instal­led outsi­de Rus­sian ter­ri­to­ry and dea­ling with sen­si­ti­ve data of Rus­sian citizens.



In the pic­tu­re below the Vice Pre­si­dent of SMS Engi­nee­ring Mas­si­mi­lia­no Cane­stro the Depu­ty Pri­me Mini­ster of the Rus­sian Fede­ra­tion Arka­dy Dvor­ko­vic, the Mini­ster of Forei­gn Affairs Ange­li­no Alfa­no, the Pre­si­dent of Ital­ferr Ric­car­do Mon­ti, the Pre­si­dent of ICE Miche­le Scan­na­vi­ni, and the Pre­si­dent of Sime­st Sal­va­to­re Rebec­chi­ni.

investment in Russia

Befo­re the start of the event, SMS Engi­nee­ring has explo­red with the Pre­si­den­cy of the ICE the oppor­tu­ni­ties for invest­ment by Cam­pa­nia aero­spa­ce indu­stry in Rus­sian aero­spa­ce sec­tor using the por­tal crea­ted by the ICE www​.aero​spa​ce​hub​.it that nowa­days has beco­me a suc­ces­sful glo­bal pre­sen­ta­tion tool of pro­jec­ts rela­ted to the Ita­lian aero­spa­ce sector
