Hac­ka­thon Awards Ceremony

VIDEO : Hac­ka­thon Awards Ceremony

ceremony hach

Nel­la Foto Sopra in alto a sini­stra Mas­si­mi­lia­no Cane­stro AFCEA Naples Chap­ter Secre­ta­ryLt. Gen. Robert M. Shea, Pre­si­dent and CEO, AFCEA Inter­na­tio­nal – Maj. Gen. Erich Stau­da­cher Gene­ral Mana­ger AFCEA Euro­pe – Fran­ce­sco Casta­gna AFCEA Naples Chap­ter Vice Pre­si­dent a segui­re sot­to a sini­stra il Gen. Dario Nico­lel­la, AFCEA Naples Chap­ter President.

AFCEA (Armed For­ces Com­mu­ni­ca­tions and Elec­tro­nics Association)
