Con­fe­ren­ce Defen­ce Skills and Dual Use Tech­no­lo­gies. The role of regions and the Euro­pean Struc­tu­ral and Invest­ment Funds”


Con­fe­ren­ce Defen­ce Skills and Dual Use Tech­no­lo­gies. The role of regions and the Euro­pean Struc­tu­ral and Invest­ment Funds” – Air For­ce Spe­cia­lists Schools, Caser­ta, Ita­ly, 14 – 15 Novem­ber 2019 #afcea­na­ples

The event, co-orga­ni­sed by the Euro­pean Com­mis­sion and the Cam­pa­nia Aero­spa­ce District, will bring toge­ther com­pa­nies, clu­sters, natio­nal & regio­nal autho­ri­ties and aca­de­mia to discuss actions in sup­port of tech­no­lo­gies and skills for Europe’s defen­ce indu­stry in the fra­mework of the Euro­pean Defen­ce Fund (inclu­ding Euro­pean Defen­ce Indu­strial Deve­lo­p­ment Pro­gram­me) and how the Euro­pean Struc­tu­ral & Invest­ment Funds could con­tri­bu­te to this.

Topics will inclu­ded : (i) Spa­ce Situa­tio­nal Aware­ness (SSA) and ear­ly war­ning capa­bi­li­ties ; (ii) Robo­tics and auto­no­mous UAS capa­bi­li­ties in non-segre­ga­ted ope­ra­tio­nal envi­ron­ment, inclu­ding high speed systems and safe medi­cal eva­cua­tion ; (iii) Inno­va­ti­ve aerial ima­ge and videos pro­ces­sing systems throu­gh hyper­spec­tral ima­ging ; (iv) Coun­ter-UAS capa­bi­li­ty based on mini-UAS swarms ; (v) Intel­li­gent, dyna­mic and robu­st con­trol of the qua­li­ty of ser­vi­ce in hybrid satel­li­te-ter­re­strial tele­com­mu­ni­ca­tion net­works, inclu­ding com­mu­ni­ca­tions for UAVs in beyond line-of-sight applications.

defense program

Nel­la foto sopra da sini­stra ver­so destra con il Col. Nico­la Gigan­te Coman­dan­te del­la Scuo­la Spe­cia­li­sti AM, Gen­na­ro Rus­so del DAC, il Gen. Isp. Capo Fran­ce­sco Lan­gel­la dell’AIAD e il Ten. Col. Ange­lo Coluc­cel­lo del­la Scuo­la Spe­cia­li­sti AM tut­ti insie­me all’ing. Mas­si­mi­lia­no Cane­stro AFCEA Naples Chap­ter Secre­ta­ry non­ché Vice Pre­si­den­te del­la SMS Engineering.
