AFCEA Mili­ta­ry Metro­lo­gy for Aero­Spa­ce 2019

[:it]ALTEC COM­PA­NY, Tori­no (ITA­LY) – JUNE 192019
Mili­ta­ry Metro­lo­gy for Aero­Spa­ce is orga­ni­zed by AFCEA Naples Chap­ter and Uni­ver­si­ty of San­nio with the Patro­na­ge of Ita­lian Defen­ce Gene­ral Staff and AFCEA EURO­PE. Mili­ta­ry Metro­lo­gy for Aero­Spa­ce is a paral­lel event of the 6th IEEE Inter­na­tio­nal Work­shop on Metro­lo­gy for AeroSpace.
Best demo, awar­ded with an exclu­si­ve cer­ti­fi­ca­te offe­red by AFCEA Chap­ter of Naples : EXO­MARS & ROXY ROVERS C.Napolitano, C.Nocerino, C.Legnani, D.Paltro, F.D’Amico, F.Bonfitto, THA­LES ALE­NIA SPACE.
DOWN­LOAD the Report on 6th IEEE Inter­na­tio­nal Work­shop on Metro­lo­gy for AeroSpace
DOWN­LOAD Capa­bi­li­ties and poten­tial of RPAS System in a civi­lian and indu­strial environments
Mas­si­mi­lia­no Cane­stroAFCEA Naples Chap­ter Secretary[:]